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View Deployment Telemetry

Keptn emits DORA metrics and OpenTelemetry traces for every deployment.

In the codespace, go to the Ports tab and open Grafana.

Login with these details:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

  • Go to "Dashboards > Browse"

  • Open the "Keptn Applications" dashboard in the "Default" folder

You should see:

  • 1 successful deployment
  • Zero failed deployments
  • Zero active deployments (this metrics tracks currently-in-progress deployments)
  • Zero data for "time between deployments" (this is calculated when there are > 1 deployments)
  • A deployment time (in seconds) for V1.1
  • An OpenTelemetry trace for the V1.1 deployment

telemetry 1

Clicking the OpenTelemetry trace displays the end-to-end timings of the deployment as ArgoCD actioned it.

telemetry 2

➡️ Next: Deploy a Slow Version of the Application ➡️