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3. Access ArgoCD

Switch to the "Ports" tab in the terminal window. Hover over the entry for ArgoCD and click the "globe" icon

A new tab will open and the ArgoCD login screen will be displayed

Log into ArgoCD.

The username is admin and the password is the random string you copied before.

If you forget the Argo password, it can be retrieved with:

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

access argo argo login

Wait for Installation

The platform stack is being installed and progress can be tracked via the progressive-delivery-masterclass application. This application is an "app of apps" meaning it is an application which installs other applications in turn.

The platform stack will not be ready until progressive-delivery-masterclass is green.

pdm app installation

There are many applications which make up the platform. The installation will take a few moments so let's use the time to understand what's happening.

The platform is built from the following applications:

  • Kubernetes
  • ArgoCD
  • Cert Manager
  • Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Jaeger Operator (installs Jaeger)
  • OpenFeature Operator (installs flagd)
  • OpenTelemetry Collector

These applications are all being deployed at different times, as "bundles" or "waves", as Argo calls them.

The waves are processed in order, lowest first.

Wave -1

  • Argo configuration

Wave 0

  • Cert Manager
  • Ingress NGINX

Wave 2

  • Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit
  • OpenFeature Operator

Wave 3

  • Jaeger Operator
  • OpenTelemetry Collector
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

Wave 4

  • Feature flags configuration

Wave 10

  • Demo Application

Wait for green

Wait until the progressive-delivery-masterclass application is green. This means that the stack is ready.

system synced

➡️ Next: Explanation of the System ➡️