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2. Create a Kubernetes Cluster and Install Software

Click the magifying glass icon in the left hand menu and perform a find and replace

  • Find: dynatrace-oss/progressivedelivery-masterclass

  • Replace with: YourGitHubUsernameHere/progressivedelivery-masterclass

find and replace

Click the replace icon replace icon and you'll see a warning (the number of occurrences and your text will be different)

replace warning

Commit your changes to your repository:

git add -A
git commit -m "use my forked repo"
git push

In the terminal window, type:

make create

This command will:

  • Create a new kubernetes cluster, exposing all the required ports
  • Install ArgoCD
  • Patch the ArgoCD ConfigMap so that Argo and Keptn work together to properly inform of Argo application health status
  • Add a NodePort service so we can access the Argo user interface
  • Trigger the installation of an Argo "App of Apps" to install our applications using ArgoCD. This will be explained in detail later.
  • Print the ArgoCD user interface password to the terminal

make create

When the installation process is complete, you should see the Argo password (a random string of characters) and the following message:

🎉 Installation Complete! 🎉

Copy the ArgoCD password and proceed with the next steps.

➡️ Next: Access ArgoCD ➡️